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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What Should You Do???


    Sorry it has been a while since I posted my computer has been telling me that my blog no longer exists :^( . Has that happened to any of you? I think today I will go over some basic stuff and then post as soon as possible something more in depth. Don't forget to vote on the side whether or not you want to see me write a book -->.

Here is a little quiz I made up for you. What I am hoping it will do is help you realize what your true passion is. I know that probably 50% of you are positive about what you want your future to be, but not every one is. Even if you are sure this can be fun and help you find the path you want to take. Have Fun!

1. Forget money location and everything else and imagine the one thing that you would want to do if the things you are worried about didn't need to be thought of. What would you do?

2. Would your dream include you going to college, would it include internships, would it include having a family too?

3. What kind of lifestyle would you want: would you want kids, a dog, pets, a small house, a big house, a apartment?

4. Now start thinking of a little reality. Where do you live now? where do you want to live? do you care where you live?

5. Now go to ehow type in your dream. What did it say???

6. Look up the costs of where you want to live and the estimate of how it will be in the future. What did it say?

7. Now think about if you want to work on your dream on a small scale or large scale. Small or Large?

8. Is that an option where you live now and where you want to live? If not make it one! Be the one to start the company, the TV channel, the charity, or whatever it is!

Your amazing you can do anything just have a little faith and work crazy hard! It will happen if you do!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


   Your opinion is really important! You should vote on the pole to the side -->
The pole is for a book based on this blog! I will be the one writing it! The book would be very similar to the posts, it would be like a guide to tricky situations. If we get a lot of positive votes for it I will work on getting it published! If you say no then we will figure something else out, if you say yes but not about this....Well then remember to leave a comment on what you would like to see or I will have to come up with a new idea! Remember I write for you.

                            Later Cats,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Followers and Views

Hey Girls!
   I really need your help getting my views up! I know it is crazy but if you do the whole follower thing please show your support of this blog by becoming a follower. Always remember to tell your friends so we get the views up and if you put your email address in the bar at the top we will send you an email every time I post!
 We need to get theses positive messages out there and we need your help to do it!